Stem Cells and Your Health

Stem Cells and Your Health
June 23, 2022

Finding optimal health and wellness is a journey and for me a full-time job. I am always researching new modalities that will compliment your basic Mineral Balancing Program. 

Since I see the Mineral Balancing Program as the essential base to healing, finding optimal wellness and aging gracefully, I make this the top priority for my clients. 

However, within the Mineral Balancing program there are other modalities, besides eating properly and taking the right supplements for your body. We know other modalities, such as coffee enemas, near infrared saunas, and meditation, can accelerate the healing process and make us healthy, or healthier. 

Today I want to share another modality that may help you as you continue to improve your health. 

Last June I was introduced to X39 Stem Cell patches. Now, mind you, I was always curious about stem cell therapy but found it unaffordable and often not effective. Then a client shared some X39 Stem Cell patches with me. I learned that through photo biomodulation we could send a signal to our body to produce a copper peptide that would activate our stem cell activity and take us to a younger and healthier state. 

You may ask why this is important. Stem cells are the only cells we have that can become whatever our body needs them to become to repair. They are the superheroes of cells! By 35 we have lost over 50% of our stem cell's activity and by the time we are 60, we only have 5% of stem cells that are active. 

This explains why we heal slowly as we age - why are hair turns gray - wounds take forever to heal - our skin looks wrinkly and old - and so on. 

Through wearing a simple patch, (that looks like a band aid), we can activate our own stem cells to reproduce and get busy healing and repairing our body. It is an amazing technology that allows photo biomodulation to create light signals which in turn produce copper peptides and return our body to a healthier and younger state. 

Now, I know it sounds unbelievable, and this is what I thought too. However, shortly after getting my first stem cell patches, I cut my leg wide open. I needed stitches, but not wanting to go to the emergency room, I came home and cared for the wound myself. I cleaned it with Juuva silver and wrapped it to stop the bleeding. I put the stem cell patch near the wound and wore it as directed. I kept it clean and took Juuva silver orally too. Within a few weeks the wound had healed and left a minimal scar. It was miraculous and everyone who saw how quickly and beautifully my leg healed was shocked. 

If you want to see before and after pictures, I will gladly share them upon request. Email me but be warned that the pictures are graphic. 

Over the past year, I have experienced amazing improvements as I continue with my Mineral Balancing program and wear the stem cell patches. Activating stem cells does not interfere in anyway with the Mineral Balancing program, but I believe it can enhance and accelerate the healing process. 

I will be making a video on using X39 patches with a Mineral Balancing Program soon so stay tuned. However, in the meantime, there are things you can do to better understand the X39 technology.

Here is a link where you can explore the technology behind the Lifewave Stem Cell patches, and IF you visit the site and explore the technology behind the creation of Lifewave Stem Cell patches.

If you have any questions about the HTMA, Stem Cell Patches, or any other health issues, contact me through the Contact Page.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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